Sleep Studies

Learn about how a sleep study could help you get the sleep you deserve.

What you need to know

Because of concerns you and your physician may have regarding the amount and quality of sleep you are getting at night, a polysomnography (PSG), or sleep study, has been requested. This study will allow your physician to get information about your sleeping patterns and identify any problems you may have.

For some people, sleep disorders contribute to serious conditions, such as diabetes and high blood pressure. By undergoing a sleep study, you can get the help you need for a better night’s sleep and possibly lessen your risk for serious health complications.

You may qualify for a sleep study if:

During a sleep study many of your body’s physiological activities will be recorded. These include: brain/electrical impulse activity, eye movements, muscle activity in your chin and legs, breathing effort, airflow from your nose and mouth, and heart rate. Just about everything that relates to how your body functions and moves during sleep will appear on your polysomnogram. This recording will then be reviewed by a board certified sleep specialist and a report will be made for your doctor to review.

View our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) for the answers to the most commonly asked questions. Should you not find the answer you are looking for, feel free to contact us. We will be more than happy to address any concerns you may have.

Home study equipment setup

If you have trouble setting up your home equipment, check out this short video for instructions on setting it up.