A little about us

We're here because your dreams matter

About Mid-South Sleep Disorders Clinic

We opened in 1993, and remain the first independent testing facility to provide sleep studies in the city of Jackson. We are a Joint Commission accredited facility with a well-trained staff that will treat your patient with the upmost respect and will be sure that your patient is as comfortable as possible during their time in our facility. Our staff have more than 20 years of experience in sleep diagnostics testing and treatments for all sleep related disorders. Both our Medical Director and our Sleep Lab Director are board certified in sleep medicine and our sleep technicians are licensed with the state of Tennessee to practice sleep medicine.

We strive to maintain great relationships and strong alliances with our referring physicians and medical clinics in and around the west Tennessee area. Mid-South Sleep Disorders Clinic is a state-of-the-art diagnostic sleep testing facility. Our main purpose is to provide the highest quality of care to patients with various sleep disorders. Our goal when working with each patient, is not to just do the testing and provide a diagnosis, we want to stay in touch and follow up with our patients to be sure they are continuing to sleep well. Once a referral is received we try to always provide a fast turn-around time. We will check the patient’s insurance, if a pre-certification is needed we will work on obtaining that, if not we will get the patient set up for their sleep study usually within 1-2 weeks. Once your patient has completed their sleep study you will receive a preliminary report within 24 to 48 hours and then the final report will follow within about week. We will send you a status report or give you a call, throughout the entire process to keep you informed. If we receive a referral that for any reason we are not able to take we will send it to a sleep facility that we know and trust to take care of your patients so that you will not have to worry with sending the referral somewhere else yourself.

Thanks so much for giving us a chance to show you what we can do to make the process as easy as possible for you and for allowing us to help your patients who may be suffering with a sleep disorder!

Frequently Asked Questions

Here you'll find a list of common questions and concerns. You may have many questions or concerns regarding your sleep study, and that’s natural. We have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions by our patients. If you do not find the answer you are looking for, simply ask a member of our staff and we will be more than happy to provide an answer.

What do I pack?

Please pack whatever you would normally have for an overnight stay. We have a shower at our Jackson location but unfortunately, we do not have a shower at our Henderson location. You may bring with you anything you need to prepare you for a good nights sleep and an easy transition into your day the following morning. Our goal is that you are as relaxed and comfortable as possible.

Items you may bring:

  • Your own pillow

  • A book

  • A favorite blanket/stuffed animal

  • A noise machine/fan

What about my partner or child?

We understand that some people may have a hard time sleeping without a loved one with them. Please just let us know if you would like to have a loved one join you during your study. While your loved one cannot sleep in the same bed with during the study, he or she can sleep in the same room. We will be glad to accommodate such needs.

When do I need to arrive?

You will need to arrive at your scheduled time, usually between 9pm and 10pm You may arrive for your sleep study in your pajamas or you can change once you arrive. Our sleep technician will greet you and give you a quick tour of the facility.

You will be shown to your room, which will have a full-size bed with clean bedding, a TV, a camera and a microphone for communicating with your technician. You will be allowed a few minutes to familiarize yourself with the room, brush your teeth, wash your face, flip through the TV, anything you would typically do before preparing for bed. After you’ve settled in, the sleep technician will return and begin placing monitors on your head, face, arms, chest and legs. These electrodes, or wires, will not shock you. They simply record your activity during sleep. The wires are applied with a sticky substance, which is removable with soap and water. By strongly securing these wires as carefully as possible, we can ensure that your sleep is uninterrupted by us having to reattach or adjust them. Setup time for the monitoring wires should take around 20-25 minutes.

Will I be watched the entire time? What about privacy?

Our technicians are more interested in the polysomnogram than in the video. The polysomnogram gives our sleep specialist the details he needs to help diagnose and treat your sleep problems. However, the video does supplement the polysomnogram should there be any questions about your behavior or movement during sleep. The sleep techs will turn on the camera only after you have gotten into bed. It will be turned off again as soon as you awake in the morning.

When do I have to fall asleep?

Once the wires have been applied, you are free to read, watch TV or go right to sleep. Whatever you’re most comfortable doing. If before falling asleep or even during sleep you awake and need to go to the bathroom, just let your technician know. He/she can come in and unhook your headbox so that you may take care of any pressing business.

Can I roll over?

Yes, you can roll over. In fact, your body will tend to move as it would if you were not wearing the monitoring wires. While sleeping in a new place can make a restful night’s sleep a little more difficult to achieve, most people find that it’s little different from sleeping at home. If you are very anxious about your study, please tell your doctor. He or she may be able to prescribe a sleeping aid, which will not affect your PSG results.

How much "sleeping time" is needed for the study?

Sleep specialists like to record about 6 hours of sleep. This time-frame allows them to see the stage where your difficulties may begin, whether or not you achieve REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep and your breathing patterns.

When will I wake up?

Your sleep technician will wake you around 6 a.m. The monitors will be removed so that you can brush your teeth, wash your face and get dressed for the day. A small breakfast will be provided along with orange juice and/or coffee. While your sleep technician will have a good idea about your sleep problems, the polysomnogram will need to be read by a sleep specialist before any treatments can be recommended. Your specialist will be in touch with you to schedule an office appointment to discuss your results.

Will I need a second sleep study?

You may need another sleep study to ensure the recommended therapy is helping and/or to make any adjustments to your treatment. For example, a patient who has been given a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine will need another study to check the airflow pressure and fit. A follow-up study will be needed after a person has been on CPAP for a period of time. A treatment pressure may no longer be effective due to a variety of reasons, such as weight change, a change in your medical condition, or aging.

What can I expect from a sleep treatment?

By having a sleep study evaluated by a board certified sleep specialist, you know what steps to take toward better rest. As you're probably well-aware, quality sleep is priceless!

Many patients experience improvement in memory and other brain functioning, as well as in mood, physical performance, coordination and job performance. In a sense, you will be awake for life rather than sleepwalking through it! Plus you have a chance to reduce your risk for diabetes, hypertension and other diseases that can worsen if your body fails to get adequate rest. There's nothing to lose—except for another night's sleep!

Check out our Sleep Tips!